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CURRICULUM - UNIT 1: ABOUT YOU COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD and 4TH GRADES. TOPIC: NUMBERS 0-15 - WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (Revision) HOW OLD ARE THEY? SET UP: Luigi Panzini, the café and restaurant owner, brings the bill to his customers. How much does "le jus d'orange" cost? Discover where the inhabitants of Cosmoville live... INCLUDES: lesson with audio/ exercise/ grammar worksheet/ resources for role-playing/ poster for display. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L03 from unit 1: ABOUT YOU. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers, Grammar, and pronunciation • Worksheet: Chez Panizini: Les nombres de 0 à 15 • Revision: Comment tu t’appelles? Quel âge as-tu? • Nationalités et pays : Compréhension orale • La prononciation: • Grammaire : o Les questions o Conjugaison des verbes: être, avoir et aller Academic level: Grade 3rd and 4th Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Introducing yourself • Grammar: “le, la, l’, les” • Understanding classroom instructions • Phonics: French phonics Folder includes: 29 documents • 7 pages featuring 2 complete lesson plans • 6 x colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 6 x printable student activity worksheets • 1 x large classroom poster with sound embedded for display • 3 pages with the Genesis and characters' description • 6 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing o le patron du café-restaurant o la végétarienne o l’enfant terrible o l'aventurière o le danseur o l’institutrice This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-2nd/3rd GRADES-ABOUT YOU: Who are you?/Qui es-tu?/ Good manners/ Être poli

FRENCH-2nd/3rd GRADES-ABOUT YOU: Who are you?/Qui es-tu?/ Good manners/ Être poli

CURRICULUM - UNIT 1: ABOUT YOU COMPLETE LESSON FRENCH LESSON FOR - GRADE 2ND-3RD. SUBJECT: Who are you?/Qui es-tu?/ Being polite/ Être poli INCLUDES 34 documents: lessons with audio / lesson plans/ activity resources/ audio/ poster for display. SET UP: The mayor of Cosmoville, Maurice Quinquin, hasn't got very good eyesight and mistakes Virgina Gómez, the tomboy, for a boy. Virginia isn't very happy about that. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L05 from unit 1: ABOUT YOU. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers, Grammar, and pronunciation • Topic and practice worksheet: “Es-tu un garçon ou une fille” • Topic and practice worksheet: “S'il vous plaît” et “S'il te plaît” • Nationality and countries: La famille Allemande, la famille suédoise ��� Phonics: les sons: c, ç, ch, g, gn, j, th, qu” Academic level: Grade 2nd and 3rd Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Understanding when using « S’il vous plaît » et « S’il te plaît » • Answer question about your gender • Phonics • Understanding classroom instructions Folder includes: 34 documents • 6 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 6 x colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 6 x printable student activity worksheets • 1 x large classroom poster with sound embedded for display • 3 pages with the Genesis and characters' description • 12 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing o le maire o le garçon manqué o le patron du café et du restaurant o le policier o le p’tit caïd o la fille gâtée o l'artiste o le bibliothécaire o le cerveau o le boucher o le costaud o la poissonnière This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-3rd/4th GRADE ABOUT YOU : Who are they?/ Qui sont-ils? / How old are they?/ Quel age ont-ils?

FRENCH-3rd/4th GRADE ABOUT YOU : Who are they?/ Qui sont-ils? / How old are they?/ Quel age ont-ils?

COMPLETE FRENCH LESSONS FOR -GRADE 3RD – 4TH. SUBJECTS: Who are they?/ Qui sont-ils? - How old are they?/ Quel age ont-ils? INCLUDES 34 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ resources for role-plaing/ poster for display. SET UP: Back to school and Miss Lola González, the music and art teacher, asks some of her new pupils to tell their age...The triplets Ruby, Emerald and Sapphire meet the Kizouka brothers. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lessons L04-L05 from unit 1: ABOUT YOU. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: WHO ARE THEY? HOW OLD ARE THEY? • Topic and practice worksheet: “Qui sont-ils?” • Topic and practice worksheet: “Quel age ont ils?” • Nationality and countries: Les familles • Grammar: le verbe “��tre” Academic level: Grade 3rd and 4th Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Conjugating the verb “to be” • Asking questions about personal information • Understanding classroom instructions Folder includes: 34 documents • 6 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 6 x colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 6 x printable student activity worksheets • 1 x large classroom poster with sound embedded for display • 3 pages with the Genesis and characters' description • 12 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing o la coiffeuse o l'institutrice o le prêtre o le marchand de jouets o le journaliste o le vendeur de vêtements o la fermiere o le danseur o les triplettes o le rappeur o le sportif This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-UNIT-2-AT-SCHOOL-2ND TO 5TH GRADES: School subjects and diary/Family/Weather forecast/Numbers

FRENCH-UNIT-2-AT-SCHOOL-2ND TO 5TH GRADES: School subjects and diary/Family/Weather forecast/Numbers

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL/ À l'école (Lesson L06 to lesson L11) COMPLETE 18 FRENCH LESSONS FOR 2nd to 5th GRADES. INCLUDES 210 documents: lessons with audio/ lesson plans/ exercises/ MP3 songs/ cooking recipe/ games / resources for role-playing/ role-play/ cultural facts/ Grammar worksheets/ certificates of merit/ Assessments/ Quiz test/ cultural facts/ poster for display/ Cut-out characters' masks SUBJECTS COVERED • Les couleurs • Les formes géométriques (Grade 4-5)) • Les fourniture scolaires • L’emploi du temps (Grade 4-5) • Les matières scolaires (Grade 4-5) • Les numéros de 0 à 30 (Grade 2-4) / de 0 à 100 (Grade 4-5) • Ma famille/ Je décris ma famille • Les jours de la semaine • La météo Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, testing pupils about the lessons from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable students' activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Academic level: 2nd to 5th Grades Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking • Understanding & writing • Assessments: Unit 2: AT SCHOOL Learning objectives: • Life at school • Describing your family (use of adjectives) • Weather expressions • Adding and taking away numbers • Understanding grammatical points • Conjugating verbs • Building sentences using "ne" ......."pas" • Using the expression: "il y a..........." • Understanding classroom instructions Folder includes 210 documents • 1 large classroom poster with sound embedded for display • 3 pages with the Genesis and characters' description • 3 MP3 songs: « La semaine de Jules », « Ma famille », « J’aime toutes les couleurs » • 31 pages featuring complete lesson plans • 55 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 55 printable students’ activity worksheets • 1 cooking recipe: « Les meringues » • 11 cut-out colored hairdos for game activities • 3 cultural facts • 1 role-play: « Le cartable” • 46 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing. This COMPLETE UNIT is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN and ENGLISH. Lessons are also available separately.
FRENCH-3RD/4TH GRADE-AT SCHOOL: Colors/ Les couleurs/ Colors word search

FRENCH-3RD/4TH GRADE-AT SCHOOL: Colors/ Les couleurs/ Colors word search

CURRICULUM - UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD/4TH GRADES SUBJECT: Les couleurs/ Colors INCLUDES 25 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ MP3 songs/ exercises/ resources for games/ resources for role-playing/ poster for display. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L06 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers, Grammar and pronunciation • Topic and practice worksheet: les mots croisés • Topic and practice worksheet: les couleurs • MP3 song: “J’aime toutes les couleurs • Colored hairdos: fun game ideas Academic level: 3rd/4th GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Recognizing the colors • Learning a song • Expressing which color you like and dislike Folder includes: 25 documents • 3 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 3 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 1 classroom poster with sound embedded for display • 3 pages with the Genesis and characters' description • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 11 cut-out hairdos for games. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-4TH/5TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Colors/ Les couleurs/ Geometric shapes/ Les formes géométriques

FRENCH-4TH/5TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Colors/ Les couleurs/ Geometric shapes/ Les formes géométriques

CURRICULUM - UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4TH/5TH GRADES SUBJECT: The colors/ les couleurs/ Geometric forms/ Les formes géométriques INCLUDES 15 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ cultural facts SET UP: Teacher George Nowak explains to the schoolchildren their new lesson: The French colors and geometric shapes. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L06 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: The colors/ les couleurs/ Geometric forms/ Les formes géométriques • Topic and practice worksheet: The colors/ Geometric forms/ • Topic and practice worksheet: les couleurs • Grammar: the adjectives • Cultural fact: La révolution française Academic level: Year 5 - Year 6 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Recognizing the colors • Using the adjectives of colors • Learning about French cultural fact: La révolution française Folder includes: 15 documents • 3 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 3 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 1 cultural fact • 3 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing This COMPLETE FIRST LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL- School Stationery/ Numbers up to 20

FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL- School Stationery/ Numbers up to 20

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 2ND/ 3RD GRADES SUBJECT: Les numéros de 0 à 20/ les Fournitures scolaires INCLUDES 16 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ Cultural facts. SET UP: The children of Cosmoville are back to school and are checking their school supplies. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L07 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers, Grammar, and pronunciation • Topic and practice worksheet: Les numéros 0 à 20 • Topic and practice worksheet: les Fournitures scolaires • Cultural fact: L'école en France et les devoirs Academic level: 2nd/3rd GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Counting up to 20 • New vocabulary about school stationery • Grammar: “le, la, l’, les” • Intercultural Folder includes: 16 documents • 3 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 3 printable student activity worksheets • 7 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 cultural fact This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-3RD/4TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL : School stationery/ Counting up to 30

FRENCH-3RD/4TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL : School stationery/ Counting up to 30

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD AND 4TH GRADES SUBJECT: Les numéros 0 à 30/ les Fournitures scolaires INCLUDES 23 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ cultural facts SET UP: The children of Cosmoville are back to school and are checking their school supplies. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L07 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers, school stationery, and grammar • Topic and practice worksheet: Les numéros 0 à 30 • Topic and practice worksheet: les Fournitures scolaires • Grammar: " Dans mon cartable, il y a........; • Culture: "les devoirs en France" Academic level: 3RD/4TH GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading, listening and speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Counting up to 30 • New vocabulary about school stationery • Grammar: Combien de .........,? il y a........; Folder includes: 23 documents • 5 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 5 printable student activity worksheets • 7 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 6 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL : Counting up to 50/ Numbers 0-50/ Playing the lottery

FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL : Counting up to 50/ Numbers 0-50/ Playing the lottery

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4TH AND 5TH GRADES INCLUDES 13 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing. SUBJECT: Les numéros 0 à 50/ Jouer à la loterie SET UP: Despite being the richest man in Cosmoville, the Mayor still dreams to dreams the lottery. So every week, he plays the lottery. Listen to the numbers called to help him fill in the grids. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L07 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers. • Topic and practice worksheet: Les numéros 0 à 50 • Topic and practice worksheet: Jouer à la loterie Academic level: 4TH/5TH GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Counting up to 50 • New vocabulary about the lottery. Folder includes: 14 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 7 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 2N/3RD GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family/ Describing my family

FRENCH - 2N/3RD GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family/ Describing my family

- UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 2ND AND 3RD GRADES INCLUDES 21 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ MP3 song. SUBJECT: Ma famille SET UP: Lulu Willis introduces the members of her family. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L08 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: My family • Topic and practice worksheet: “Je présente ma famille” • MP3 Song: Ma famille Academic level: 2nd/3rd grades Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Introducing the members of your family • Learning a new song. Folder includes: 21 documents • 3 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 3 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 9 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 MP3 Song. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH teaching.
FRENCH - 3rd/4th GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family/ Desbribing my family

FRENCH - 3rd/4th GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family/ Desbribing my family

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD/ 4TH GRADES. INCLUDES 25 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ MP3 song/ grammar worksheet SUBJECT: Ma famille/ Je décris ma famille SET UP: Coco Willis describes the members of her family. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L08 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL.. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Describing my family/ Je décris ma famille • Topic and practice worksheet: “Je décris ma famille” • MP3 Song: Ma famille • Grammar: the adjectives Academic level: 2nd/3rd GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Describing the members of your family • Learning a new song. Folder includes: 25 documents • 5 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 5 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 9 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 MP3 Song. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family tree/ Talking about my family

FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My family tree/ Talking about my family

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4TH/5TH GRADES INCLUDES 32 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing. SUBJECT: Parler de ma famille/ Mon arbre généalogique SET UP: Alexander Kizouka and Coco Willis are creating their family tree. Find out who's who! Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L08 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Talking about you family/ Your Family tree • Topic and practice worksheet: Mon arbre généalogique • Topic and practice worksheet: Parler de ma famille Academic level: 4th/5th GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Talking about the members of your family • Describing your family tree Folder includes: 32 documents • 6 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 6 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 15 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL: The days of the week

FRENCH - 2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL: The days of the week

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 2ND AND 3RD GRADES INCLUDES 11 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ MP3 song. SUBJECT: Les jours de la semaine SET UP: Local journalist Simon Kizouka is telling you about the weather forecast. Miss Lola González wants you to number the days of the week in the right order and fill in the missing day in French. SONG: Sven Borgstrom, the artist, is very laid back. He doesn't like to do too much and spends most of his time playing music. He only goes out when he must go shopping for food. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L09 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Les jours de la semaine • Topic and practice worksheet: “les jours de la semaine » • MP3 Song: “La semaine de Jules” Academic level: Year 3/ 4 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Recognizing the days of the week • Learning a new song. Folder includes: 11 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 4 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 MP3 Song. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The weather expressions/ What's the weather like today?

FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The weather expressions/ What's the weather like today?

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL INCLUDES 12 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ French expressions COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 2ND/3RD GRADES SUBJECT: Les prévisions météorologiques/ Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? SET UP: Help journalist Simon Kizouka complete the weekly weather for Cosmoville newspaper. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L10 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Les prévisions météorologiques • Topic and practice worksheet: Les prévisions météorologiques/ Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? • French expressions Academic level: 2ND/ 3RD GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • The weather expressions • Learning some French expressions. Folder includes: 12 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 cooking recipe. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Adding numbers up to 30/ Numbers 0 to 30/ Cooking recipe

FRENCH-2ND/3RD GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Adding numbers up to 30/ Numbers 0 to 30/ Cooking recipe

UNIT 2 : AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 2ND/3RD GRADES INCLUDES 12 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ cooking recipe. SUBJECT: Les nombres de 0 à 30/ Les recettes de María “Les meringues” SET UP: Virginia Gómez, the grand-daughter of shopkeepers María and Juan Gómez, loves sweets and never stops thinking about eating them! Complete each jar label and count María's sweets, lollipops and meringues. RECIPE: María Gómez loves baking. Enjoy baking one of her favorite recipes: Les meringues. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L11 from unit 1: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Les nombres de 0 à 30 • Topic and practice worksheet: “Les nombres de 0 à 30” ��� Cooking recipe: les recettes de María: “les meringues” Academic level: Year 3/ 4 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Counting up to 30. • Cooking a French recipe. Folder includes: 11 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 cooking recipe. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 3RD/4TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The days of the week/ Weather forecast for the week

FRENCH - 3RD/4TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The days of the week/ Weather forecast for the week

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD/4TH GRADES INCLUDES 18 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ grammar worksheet SUBJECT: Les jours de la semaine/ Les prévisions météorologiques de la semaine SET UP: Miss Lola González wants you to complete the crosswords with the French equivalent. Journalist, Simon Kizouka, updates the weather conditions for Cosmoville's newspaper. As always Simon is more than happy to show off his knowledge about the weather forcecast for the week. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lessons L09 -L10 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Les jours de la semaine • Topic and practice worksheet: “les jours de la semaine »/ Les prévisions météorologiques • Grammar: Les prévisions météorologiques Academic level: Year 4/5 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Recognizing the days of the week • Vocabulary: The weather forecast for the week Folder includes: 18 documents • 4 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 4 printable students’ activity worksheets • 9 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 3 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing. This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 3RD/4TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Multiplication/ Addition/ Numbers 0 to 30

FRENCH - 3RD/4TH GRADES- AT SCHOOL: Multiplication/ Addition/ Numbers 0 to 30

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 3RD/4TH GRADES INCLUDES 10 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing. SUBJECT: Les nombres de 0 à 30. SET UP: Federico Panzini loves playing card games and French roulette! Count how many tokens he wins and loses! Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L11 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Les nombres de 0 à 30 • Topic and practice worksheet: “Les nombres de 0 à 30” Academic level: Year 4- Year 5 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Addition and multiplication Folder includes: 10 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 1 cut-out character’ mask for role-playing This COMPLETE LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The weather forecast for the week

FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: The weather forecast for the week

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4TH/5TH GRADES INCLUDES 15 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ French expressions/ MP3 Song SUBJECT: Les prévisions météorologiques de la semaine SET UP: Journalist, Simon Kizouka updates the weather conditions for Cosmoville's newspaper. As always Simon is more than happy to show off his knowledge about the weather forecast for the week. SONG: Sven Borgstrom, the artist, is very laid back. He doesn't like to do too much and spends most of his time playing music. He only goes out when he must go shopping for food. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L10 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: The weather expressions • Topic and practice worksheet: Les prévisions météorologiques • Grammar: revising the weather expressions Academic level: Year 5- Year 6 Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • The weather expressions • Describing the weather forecast for the week Folder includes: 15 documents • 4 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 4 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 2 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing This COMPLETE FIRST LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL:  My school subjects and timetable

FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: My school subjects and timetable

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4th/5th GRADES INCLUDES 19 documents: lesson with audio/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ MP3 song/ role-play/ grammar worksheet SUBJECT: Mon emploi du temps scolaire / Mes matières scolaires SET UP: Like at school can be very busy. Listen and fill in the gaps in Alexander's timetable. ROLE-PLAY: Today, Federico, Oliver, lulu, Disco and Hugo have a science lesson with teacher George Nowak. As usual Federico hasn't brought his school stationery and keeps asking his schoolmates for help. SONG: Sven Borgstrom, the artist, is very laid back. He doesn't like to do too much and spends most of his time playing music. He only goes out when he must go shopping for food. Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L09 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: My timetable/ Mon emploi du temps scolaire / My school subjects/ Mes matières • Topic and practice worksheet: “Mon emploi du temps scolaires" • Topic and practice worksheet: “Mes matières scolaires • MP3 Song: “La semaine de Jules” • Role-play: “Le cartable” • Grammar: quel, quelle, quels, quelles" Academic level: 4th/5th GRADES Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Understanding your school timetable • Learning about your school subjects • Learning a new song • Understanding grammatical point Folder includes: 19 documents • 3 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 3 printable student activity worksheets • 4 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 6 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing • 1 role-play • 1 MP3 Song. This COMPLETE FIRST LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.
FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: Counting up to 100/ Numbers 0 to 100/ European currency

FRENCH - 4TH/5TH GRADES - AT SCHOOL: Counting up to 100/ Numbers 0 to 100/ European currency

UNIT 2: AT SCHOOL COMPLETE FRENCH LESSON FOR 4TH/5TH GRADES INCLUDES 12 documents: lesson/ lesson plan/ exercises/ resources for role-playing/ cultural fact. SUBJECT: Les nombres de 0 à 100/ La monnaie européenne SET UP: Gordon McIntosh, the bank manager of Cosmoville national bank, is very cautious about his customers' money. Can you help him count how much money he has in the bank safe? Colorful PDF files from the COSMOVILLE book series, featuring lesson L11 from unit 2: AT SCHOOL. The PDF files have the SOUND embedded (PDF’s require ADOBE READER to access the audio content) and can be used on whiteboards. The folder also includes printable student activity worksheets and CUT-OUT characters’ masks for practicing role-playing. Subjects: Numbers 0 to 100/ /European currency • Topic and practice worksheet: Les nombres de 0 à 100/ Mon compte épargne • Cultural facts: La monnaie européenne Academic level: 4th - 5th Grades Attainment targets: (pupils’ activity) • Reading & speaking (2 practice worksheets + 1 poster) • Understanding & writing (2 practice worksheets) Learning objectives: • Counting up to 100 • Understanding ethe European currency Folder includes: 12 documents • 2 colorful PDF files with sound embedded for classroom presentation • 2 printable student activity worksheets • 5 pages featuring 1 complete lesson plan • 6 cut-out characters’ masks for role-playing This COMPLETE FIRST LESSON is also available in SPANISH, GERMAN, and ENGLISH.